No matter what you think - there are only two spirit realms
one is of darkness, evil and destruction the other is
- The Kingdom of God
The two realms were forever changed when God sent His Son Jesus - to perform
the event that would change the sure destination of humanity –
who dying in their sins - would surely be lost to Satan forever.
the event was the provision of a pure blood sacrifice - to cover the sins of all - this event – and the subsequent death and resurrection of Jesus BROKE THE SPIRITUAL PATH OF DEATH AND HELL and provided a key to the door of the Kingdom of God, but to enter the door, an act of faith must be performed by each person an act of one’s free will. Each person must CHOOSE (a conscious willful choice) to believe Jesus did this for them, Repent (turn away from sin) and Receive Jesus by ASKING him to come into your being and be master of your life. Your sacrifice!